A Set top box is a device that connect to a television with some external source of broad-casted signal. The source of the signals could receive via digital signal, satellite, cable connection or a telephone line. A Set-top-box is a combination of Channels, video-on-demand programs, games and web browsers which the user play on their Television Android tv box in the USA. A set top box contains microprocessors for running the operating system, either it is Linux or android, it also includes RAM, and MPEG decoder chip, for decoding audio and video signals.
Recently, the upsurge in digital services is rapidly renovating the Set Top Box into a multi feature device with the arrival of digital television and high definition TV, the broadcasting and reception of great quality video is now possible. Now new technology is followed by the best set top box providers to facilitate their customers. The best set top box companies are providing the best and popular Operating System like Android, which is in the favor of customers. The customers use different android based STB which are provided by the STB providers. Customer chose different packages which are offered by these STB providers. The package involves, Gold, silver and platinum. These packages are different in the cost, period of activation and also in difference in the number of channels, packages range start from three months to one year.
Advantages of set top box
- It will provide a better TV viewing experience for consumers
- STB Provide Better picture & sound quality
- STB increase the services of HD Channels & Video on Demand (VOD)
- Number of channels increases in STB
- Set top box service provider offer the different packages according to the need of channels
- STB providers offers the customers to pick the channels individually
- Customers choose a bouquet of channels and pay only selected bouquets
- The government get benefit in terms of tax collections
- STB have less complained
- STB provide more Stable channels
Disadvantages of set top box
- Customers can’t watch free air channels without set top box.
- It is compulsory for the customers to have set top box to watch the channels and this show negative impact on lower class
- Many customers facing Confusion in Price of Packages
- Annoying Monopolies
- Privacy
Facts to be set aside in concentration before purchasing set top box
- Digital TV has proficiency and the facility providers have a massive experience to propose decent digital quality picture.
- Set top box are Android tv box in USA given in Standard quality picture, High quality picture, High Definition picture along with video recording.
- For High quality content, do they openly deliver HD quality?
- Check the warranty, does the service providers assumed any warranty on set top box?
- Customer service, do the service providers give appropriate customer satisfaction, 24*7 call support etc.
- Choice of packages and special privileges given or not?
- Value for money, are you paying for the facilities which you choose?
- Payment convenience, call and transact or online payment or via cheque?
- Supplementary tv channels, collaborative games and channels for all family fellows?
- Video on demand facility given or not which provides you access to huge libraries, live concerts and tv shows best internet tv box in usa.
- Recharge vouchers effortlessly available or not?
- Check if any issue continues during rainy seasons, any trouble or distortion in quality?
Facebook: ShavaMX - Twitter:@shava_mx
- Email:Nancyjoann644@gmail.com
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